opencv 3.2 contrib

Dear OpenCV users! 1 year after 3.1 release and after the OpenCV core team has moved back to Intel we are pleased to announce OpenCV 3.2 release, with tons of improvements and bug fixes. 969 patches have been merged and 478 issues (bugs & feature ...

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  • opencv_contrib - Repository for OpenCV's extra modules ... samples added fix edgeboxes...
    GitHub - opencvopencv_contrib: Repository for OpenCV's ...
  • I am using CMake 3.8.1 and downloaded OpenCV 3.2 and opencv_contrib_master at the same tim...
    CMake error with OpenCV 3.2contrib on .dnn directory - Open ...
  • Dear OpenCV users! 1 year after 3.1 release and after the OpenCV core team has moved back ...
    OpenCV 3.2 - OpenCV library
  • opencv_contrib - Repository for OpenCV's extra modules ... You signed in with another ...
    Releases · opencvopencv_contrib · GitHub
  • OpenCV 從第三版開始就把一些函式庫拆出來放到 Contrib 上如果要使用要自己重新編一次整份,這個編譯一次要1~2小時左右建議沒用到直接參考文內使用官方幫你編好的。
    CHG: OpenCV 3.2.0 的擴充 Contrib 函式庫如何編譯 與 使用 ...
  • I built successfully the main branch of OpenCV 3 from Github. Now, I want to build the Ope...
    Building OpenCV_contrib for OpenCV 3, Windows GUI - OpenCV Q ...
  • Unofficial OpenCV packages for Python with contrib modules. Note: the usage of opencv-cont...
    opencv-contrib-python : Python Package Index ...
  • Clone opencv and opencv_contrib repos to the opencv_root. You can do it in terminal like h...
    OpenCV: Build opencv_contrib with dnn module
  • Install OpenCV 3.1 with Opencv_contrib Module using CMake GUI on Windows 7 這個方法確定適用於以下幾個版本...
    Install OpenCV 3.1 with Opencv_contrib Module using CMake ...
  • chamerMatching public static int chamerMatching(Mat img, Mat templ, java.util.List<MatO...
    Contrib (OpenCV Java API)